Taking healthcare everywhere
14/1/2023 WP4 and WP5
Azhar University completed the pilot run of the first 30 ECTS eHealth certificate/diploma in Egypt. 95 graduation project were presented by physicians and experts from engineering and computer sciences as well as other health sciences specialists.
Knowledge triangle, innovation: Reinforcing of Education,
Research E.health & medical links (ICU RERE)


WP5:Cabacity Building (CB)

CB for the best care
Each Enterprise and HEI will participate in a pool of teaching experts through selecting suitable candidates, visits to EU partners & visits by EU professors to Lebanon and Egypt join local training, up to 4 trainees will attend trainingprograms to improve their web platform and digital skills, training them on innovative Teaching and learing (T&L) methods & assessment methods, utilizing ICT in health education & gain the know-how knowledge necessary to set up the centers & use digital educational portal.

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